Saturday, July 18, 2020

Installing Bull Bars On Skoda Yeti

skoda yeti nudge bar / bull bars installation is simple
A few minutes of online research reveals that Frontal Protection Systems (Nudge / Bull Bars) are NOT prohibited in the EU. Let's install them.

Some cars come from the manufacturer with preinstalled bars: the Dacia Duster, for example.

The bull bars / nudge bars from back in the day were solid steel and ARE prohibited

The European Union banned those in 2007.

Today's bull bars are hollow and are really for aesthetics

Here in the Czech Republic I am required to have a DEKRA inspection after installation and if it goes okay then I must get that authorisation written in to my technical document at the ministry of transport office.
Probably the same thing in most, if not all EU countries.

The days of doing whatever we want to our cars are over it seems

Even so, I really want a Frontal Protection System on my Yeti. Black, like American police cars.😎
I find the ones I want online and order them.
They arrive fast and are well packed...

legal nudge bars in eu
fixing kit for frontal protection system
Let's get installing...

skoda yeti nudge bars install
oil pan access on skoda yeti

I secure the main brackets to my Yeti's frame - the holes match perfectly

how to attach nudge bars to suv
non standard bull bars on skoda cars
It has taken me the best part of an hour to install the main brackets to the frame.
There are some scrapes on my hands here and there but I don't care - I will soon have bull bars on my Yeti and they will look awesome and everything. 😋
Let's offer up the lower bars and get them secured.

ground clearance for nudge bars

And now the larger (and heavier) main part.

test fitting nudge bars / bull bars to suv
Once everything is aligned I tighten all the bolts.
Now I’ll give this under-car tray a once over with my trusty Armor All and refit it.

using armor all on skoda engine bay
All looks good in there...

a look at the vw 1.2 tsi petrol engine
I remove the protective wrapping from my newly installed bull bars, and...


FPS installed on skoda yeti suv
is skoda yeti with nudge bar legal in EU?
Several weeks later and a visit to the main DEKRA testing facility in Prague then a visit to my local ministry of transport office, and...


dekra approved my bull bars on my yeti
Oh yes. 

The DEKRA technician had no issues with my new bull bars or my installation of them 😇

And the ministry of transport office had no choice but to add the approval in my Yeti's technical document (log book, V5C).
Thanks for visiting.
And feel free to stay tuned for more Yeti modifications I have planned.
If you also want bull / nudge bars they're available here on Amazon

Just a heads up: many of my posts contain affiliate links of products I have bought for my Yeti.
If you buy something from one of these links, you will not pay a penny more.
I will get a small commission, although not every time.
The extra pennies help me to pay the annual cost of the domain name.
I thank you for your support.

In His Own Words...

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