Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Spotted: Abandoned Gaz M-21 Volga

abandoned gaz in the czech republic
It seems every time I go for a cruise around the villages in my Yeti I spot an abandoned car.
Here's my latest find.

At first, I thought it was some old yank tank.

It's from the Soviet Union - a series 3 Gaz M-21 Volga

The designers did seem to have drawn inspiration from the Americans.

an abandoned Gaz m 21 volga Tsarevna
Nonetheless, this Volga is all USSR.

And the favoured car of the Soviet police and the KGB🕵️‍♂️

Considering the earlier career of a certain Mr. Putin, was it in one of these in which he trawled the streets of Leningrad hunting down enemies of the state?

inside a gaz m 21 volga
This particular Gaz Volga may well have been used by Soviet Intelligence Services here in the Czech Republic while the country was under Communist rule.
The Volga was built in Russia between 1956 and 1970. And they were equipped with some impressive luxuries for the time:
  • a reclining front seat
  •  a cigarette lighter 
  • a heater
  • a windscreen washer
  • three-band radio
But that was in its heyday.
This one is barely remaining on its feet.
Though still defiant.
A faithful comrade to the end.

totally wrecked ussr car volga
But now I think I'll just walk away and leave this old Soviet girl where I found her.
I have touched nothing. I have disturbed nothing, because, you never know, the Russians might just want her back.

And they could be watching my every move 👀

🏃I'm off.

restore old russian gaz volga

In His Own Words...

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